Gout is one of many forms of arthritis that can cause inflammation. Gout can cause severe pain, swelling of the joints, reddening, and warmth. Gout is caused by the buildup of uric acids crystals in the soft tissues of a joint. Gout is most common in the big toe. However, it can also affect the elbow, wrist, knee and fingertips. Gout attacks can last from a few days up to several weeks. Gout pain is usually relieved at night. Gout attacks can strike suddenly, and may cause someone to feel like their big toes are on fire. Gout can cause a hot, tender joint that is so tender it may not be possible to bear the weight of a sheet.

Here you can learn all about Gout and its Treatments: Gout Symptoms


Doctors have studied very well how and why gout occurs. It is due to the accumulation of uric acid crystals (called urates) that are shaped like needles that injure tissues and cause extreme pain.

These uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints, especially the big toe, but also in kidneys and other soft tissues for 2 main reasons:

  • Because there is too much uric acid in the blood
  • Because the kidney cannot eliminate it effectively by urine.

In the kidneys, they cause kidney stones. In addition to the big toe joint, crystals can be deposited in other areas: the arch of the foot, ankles, heels, knees, wrists, fingers and elbows.

There are many natural home remedies to prevent and eliminate Gout: Home Remedies For Gout


After having blood tests, your doctor will diagnose you with hyperuricemia if you or your family member have high levels of uric acid. It’s normal to have some amount of uric acid in your blood. This happens when our proteins are renewed. However, it can also be caused by eating a lot red meat that contains a protein called purines.

Men have more uric acid than the women. This is due to the presence of male hormones. The doctor will inform the patient if the patient has uric acid levels that are normal in women.


Gout may begin to develop years before producing the first attack. It progresses silently while maintaining high uric acid values in the blood.

If you already suffer from Gout you can relieve the pain with this natural supplement based on Curcumin and Boswellia: Gout Treatment

The ways of prevention are related to this aspect and to renal function. Also to some conditions that facilitate the formation of gout. The most important are:

  • Maintain normal uric acid values. If you have high uric acid values the doctor will evaluate your general condition and will probably indicate changes in diet and medication.
  • Maintain good kidney function. Many cases of gout are also due to problems excreting excess uric acid in the urine. One of the most common causes in women is the use of diuretics. Other pathologies such as renal insufficiency also have the same effect.


To prevent a new gout attack, your doctor will instruct you to take some or all of these measures:

  1. Diet: he will ask you to eliminate for some time the intake of red and game meats, seafood, sausages, sausages, pâté, offal, beans and lentils. He will ask him to drink a lot of water and to incorporate fruits, algae and cereals. He will also ask you not to consume dairy products, which contain calcium, so that kidney stones do not form.
  2. Eliminate Alcohol completely: alcohol intake favors the deposit of crystals in your joint.
  3. Lose Weight: the impact of excess weight on the joints is a very important factor for gout.
  4. Eliminate Salt in your Meals: this is for your kidney to work better.
  5. Eliminate the intake of sugary fizzy Drinks: it is proven that the fructose they contain favors the formation of gout.
  6. Drink some Coffee or Black Tea: caffeine favors the dissolution of crystals, but its use should be moderate because it can increase blood pressure.
  7. Take vitamin C: it reduces the deposit of uric acid crystals.
  8. Moderate Exercise: not only to lose weight but also to mobilize the joints.
  9. Control Arthritis and Hypertension: both conditions are often accompanied by gout attacks.

A healthy diet is very important to prevent Gout: Gout Diet